mouth harp


mouth harp 的定义

n. 名词 noun

South Midland and Southern U.S.

mouth harp 近义词

mouth harp

等同于 harmonica

mouth harp 的近义词 5
mouth harp

等同于 mouth organ

更多mouth harp例句

  1. And of course, Rod, being Rod, goes for it a hundred percent; his mouth drops open and he says, ‘What?’
  2. But news of the classes is spread mainly by word of mouth, and participants bring along their friends and families.
  3. She has had clients from all over the world, including Ireland and India, who are drawn to her via word of mouth and her website.
  4. The “new civility” promoted by Antoine Courtin expected the mouth to be kept shut when smiling.
  5. During one session, detainee Abu Zubaydah became “completely unresponsive with bubbles rising through his open full mouth.”
  6. Aristide washed and powdered Jean himself, the landlord lounging by, pipe in mouth, administering suggestions.
  7. Sol got up, slowly; took a backward step into the yard; filled his lungs, opened his mouth, made his eyes round.
  8. But such a thing had, nevertheless, come quite glibly out of her mouth, and she knew not why.
  9. Miss Smith immediately rises from the table, puts up her dear little mouth to her papa to be kissed.
  10. The word of the law shall be fulfilled without a lie, and wisdom shall be made plain in the mouth of the faithful.